The worst time to sober up
Imagine your friend suddenly springs into your room, crying and sobbing that her boyfriend of two years has, for no apparent reason, decided not to pursue the relationship anymore. What are your options?

Yeah... we picked d.

a) Tissues, chocolate and some romantic comedy that you yell at everytime someone says 'I'll love you forever" - "YOU LIAR!!!!!"
b) Bake muffins. LOTS of muffins.
c) Tell her how fantastic it is that she's free now (i.e. suicide).
d) Get another friend over, have a few drinks and put on all her sexy lingerie that she won't need anymore and go prancing around the university.
Yeah... we picked d.
Now, try to imagine what ran through my head when I sobered up and realised that I was a long way from home, wearing nothing except a corset, undies that said "It doesn't count if you don't get caught", fish net stockings, a broken pair of handcuffs clamped around one wrist and a vibrator in my other hand. You guessed it: "..........................................oh fuck".
The funny thing was that she was still upset in the morning. I mean, did we not do our best to cheer her up? On another interesting note, would you call this a man or a woman? We still don't know.
Labels: alcohol, breaking up, drunk, lingerie, party, relationships, sexy, vibrator
WOOT! first person to comment. i must ask, a: when was this?, b: why didn't i see this? and c: i have no idea whatsoever about the sexuality of the person down the bottom
Anonymous, at 4:47 pm
Anonymous, at 8:03 pm
The conversion of the latent dream thoughts into those manifest deserves our close study as the first known example of the transformation of psychical stuff from one mode of expression into another.. This is an abominable--desecration.. , the dream in which my friend Otto seems to show the symptoms of Basedow's disease.. Of course the seaside is very fine, but here we have such a variety of scenery.. These ever active and, as it were, immortal wishes from the unconscious recall the legendary Titans who from time immemorial have borne the ponderous mountains which were once rolled upon them by the victorious gods, and which even now quiver from time to time from the convulsions of their mighty limbs; I say that these wishes found in the repression are of themselves of an infantile origin, as we have learned from the psychological investigation of the neuroses.. It is a kind of article for which the demand does not increase with use.. 1, vainly: Very well, thank you; and you? I think I must have been undone already.. We-feel-we-must-be-going,' like you said you would? Then we could have lifted our hats and got away decently.. Ross plumped down beside him. I want to get some of those splendid autumn leaves to decorate our cozy apartments, Mrs.. He told me he seen Mars' Pendleton comin' outen dish here house one mawnin'.. Fillmore, had taken a notion at this time that our Sandemanian churches needed more expression of mutual sympathy.. Her son also gazed after the retreating Van Kamp.. Hand me down the whiskey, Jim, said the Colonel, rising slowly. That point of view is not only revolutionising all the methods of diagnosis and treatment of mental derangements, but compelling the intelligent, up-to-date physician to revise entirely his attitude to almost every kind of disease.. But I had pulled out my spectacles, and put them on for my own purpose, and against his direction and desire.. Claiborne's--on--er--on an errand for Abner's father.. The mortification brought on thirty years ago, after having gained access to the unconscious affective source, operates during all these thirty years like a recent one.. ] In compliance with the request of a friend of mine, who wrote me from the East, I called on good-natured, garrulous old Simon Wheeler, and inquired after my friend's friend, Leonidas W.. We must, however, interpret in greater detail; the Rotunda is the buttock which is regularly associated by the child with the genital, the smaller front structure is the scrotum...
Anonymous, at 11:14 pm
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